Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 8 – The Itch

In the eighth chapter of Portal 2, GLaDOS and Chell must succeed in conquering Wheatley’s increasingly strange and dangerous chambers. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal 2.

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Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 7 – The Reunion

In the seventh chapter of Portal 2, Chell is guided by the recordings of Cave Johnson towards an escape and a discovery about the source of all her troubles. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal 2.

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Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 6 – The Fall

In the sixth chapter of Portal 2, I just don’t even know how to cope with how unprepared I am. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal 2.

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Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 5 – The Escape

In the fifth chapter of Portal 2, Wheatley helps you escape from GLaDOS. Technically, that’s not false. I mean, that’s a correct assessment technically. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal 2.

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Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 4 – The Surprise

In the fourth chapter of Portal 2, these levels are going to be the END OF ME. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal 2.

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Hello, gamers! I need some help choosing my next game!

I’m finding very quickly that Mark Plays is not going to unfold like my other two sites, Mark Reads/Watches. It’s actually quite exciting to do things different, so I’d like to keep y’all involved as I move forward.

So, I thought I had decided on my own what to play next, but the more I think about it, the less sure I am that I will be able to pull it off. I would like to get some help regarding some logistics since this is not a matter of simply reading a book or watching a show. Without getting too spoilery, of course! But you should be able to answer these questions without telling me much about any of these games.

A bit about my set-up right now: I have Steam on my MacBook Pro and on Windows 7 through VMware Fusion. Both work beautifully, and I’ve experienced no lag whatsoever running Steam through VMWare. I also own a Playstation 3, but I do not own an HD image capture device.

In terms of the first few games I’d like to play, the top five for me are:

1) Mass Effect series
2) Dragon Age games
3) Ace Attorney series
4) Borderlands 2
5) Monkey Island

The issues I’m having are mostly logistical. I absolutely have to upgrade the RAM on my MacBook to 8GB this week if I am going to be able to handle heavy gaming AND screen capturing through Quicktime Pro. It’s not possible any other way, especially since running VMware AND Steam AND Quicktime eats up my memory rather quickly. I hope to have this installed Tuesday, and y’all will never see the behind-the-scenes freakout I’ve been having. BEAUTIFUL. This is ideal. If this is the case, I shouldn’t have any problem playing a ton of games, since a lot are on Steam, and I love Steam. A lot.

I need to invest in a Nintendo DS so I can play Ace Attorney, so it will be a bit before I can get to that game or the Pokémon ones either. The same goes with anything that’s Xbox or PS3 specific only. I don’t want to play a game without the ability to screen capture.

This week, I did three test videos. None of them were commissioned. I’ll remind you at the time, but please provide feedback on these videos. One is a screen capture with my live voiceover, and the other two are videos of me playing without a screen capture. Which formats works best? Which is more entertaining for y’all?

Additionally, the format used for the Portal 2 posts IS ONLY FOR THIS GAME. It will be far too repetitive and challenging to do for a longer game. Whatever I do next, I’ll have more diary-like entries for reviews instead of a pre-decided format.

Now, on to games! When it comes down to it, I’m partial to Borderlands 2 (BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO WAIT TO PLAY THIS GAME OH MY GOD) or Mass Effect. Borderlands 2 will be easy to execute because it’s available on multiple platforms, it just came out, and it is a single game. However, I think it would be fun to just jump straight into Mass Effect as the first SERIES that I cover!

Here is my question: I have heard that the games are inextricably linked in the sense that what you do in one affects the story in the next? Or something? I am aware that I know VERY, VERY, VERY LITTLE about this series, but I could swear I heard this. So, since Mass Effect 1 is not available on PS3, I’d have to play it on Steam. CAN I PLAY THE FIRST GAME ON STEAM, THEN PLAY THE OTHERS ON THE PS3? Would it be best to play all three on the same platform in a row? What’s the best experience for me in terms of continuity?

Thanks for your help. This is all very, very new to me, so I’m adapting as best as I can. I really appreciate the advice you can give me! I write all posts for my sites the week before they go live, so starting Wednesday, I’ll do the last two playthroughs of Portal 2, then start whatever game I do next. I’ll announce on Twitter (@MarkDoesStuff) and in a separate post the next project. If you would like to design a banner for the site, let me know! markreadsandwatches [at] gmail [dot] com.

Quite a few of you have gifted me games on Steam. In fact, that’s how I chose Portal 2 to start first. If you would like to donate anything to help this process, I’m xpanasonicyouthx on Steam and the PS3 network. You can always purchase something from my online store, click the Donate button in the right sidebar, or let me know of other ways to help. I just purchased my own private server to handle the intense traffic my three sites get, and it’s becoming very expensive to keep my sites online. Anything you can help with is appreciated.

Hello to all the new folks from Kotaku, by the way! It’s really cool to see SO MANY new faces in the comments. I genuinely did not expect this! Please make sure to check out the Site Rules, the FAQ, and the Suggestions pages, and I hope you have a wonderful time as I poorly stumble my way through a bunch of video games.

Thank you!!!

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Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 3 – The Return

In the third chapter of Portal 2, gameplay becomes increasingly complex as GLaDOS becomes increasingly insulting. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal 2.

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Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 2 – The Cold Boot

In the second chapter of Portal 2, GLaDOS takes out her anger at you killing her by making you go through failing test chambers that are REALLY REALLY FUN. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal 2.

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Mark Plays ‘Portal 2’: Chapter 1 – The Courtesy Call

In the first chapter of Portal 2, oh my GOD. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to start Portal 2.

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Mark Plays ‘Portal’

In Portal, what seems like a simple puzzle game involving physics and gravity becomes WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS LAST LEVEL WHAT THE FUCK AM I PLAYING. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to play Portal.

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Mark Plays ‘The Room Tribute’

In The Room Tribute, I can’t believe there is a game version of this movie, but then I spend five seconds thinking about it and I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THERE IS A VIDEO GAME VERSION OF THIS FILM. Intrigued? Then it’s time for the very first MARK PLAYS.

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I now announce the very first Mark Plays project.

I have a surprise for Monday because someone suggested a one-off that is too perfect not to do, but on Tuesday, we will start the very first traditional Mark Plays project.

oh god

Mark Plays Portal 2 starts September 18 at 10:00am PDT.

If you’d like to add me on Steam or the PS3 network, I’m xpanasonicyouthx on both of them.

Let’s do this.

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Welcome to Mark Plays!

Oh gosh, I can’t believe this is actually happening. I mean… HOLY SHIT. What was once an idea I toyed with over a year ago (and was pestered about for a LONG time before that) is now a reality. The third site in the Mark Does Stuff Internet empire is here:


Like my other sites, I will be playing games and chronicling my totally unprepared journey through them. This site will NOT be confined to just video games, either; I’ll also play board games, card games, tabletop games, and anything else playable. WHY NOT??? They’re still games, right???

As of today, I don’t quite know what the first full game/series is that I’ll be tackling first, especially since I have so many to choose from. (I do actually know what the first review will be about, and it is goddamn ridiculous, and I can’t not do it because it’s such an amazing idea.) I have already set up my Suggestions page so that y’all can suggest/pitch games to me, as well as check out what I’ve already agreed to play and what I’ve played before. Oh gosh, THIS IS GOING TO BE GREAT.

In case you’re new to my site and never been to Mark Reads or Mark Watches, please read the Site Rules/Spoiler Policy and the FAQ before you comment, tweet me, email me, or send me an Ask on Tumblr. READ IT READ IT READ IT. I try to have a more civil and safe space than most sites, so my rules are more strict than you’re probably used to.

A little bit about the format and logistics of Mark Plays! Unlike a book or a television show, games are not always easily split up for posts. Because of this, I will be using the Master Schedule RIGOROUSLY to denote how my posts will be split up, especially since there will be games I play where I will manually have to decide what to cover. All posts for this site will go up at 10:00am PST/PDT!

I plan on making these reviews more media-heavy than anything before. Lots of images, screenshots, videos, etc. I will do my best to make sure that they are all accessible, including captions for the images so screenreaders can read them for those who are sight-impaired and blind. Additionally, I’m hoping to use a new service in the coming weeks that will provide an audio file/podcast style audio clip that reads EVERY review for those who need help. If you have any suggestions for programs or apps to help me record games on my PS3, Steam on my Mac, my iPhone, etc., please let me know!

I will launch this site within the next week or so; until then, posts will be sporadic until I get logistics set up on my end, choose the first game to do, and determine how posts formats are going to work. I have a lot of ideas, but I imagine things might be a little chaotic the first couple weeks until I figure things out. But I promise to keep y’all updated on what’s going on!

Once I announce my first game, anyone want to make a banner? I am shit at design.

I’m very excited to do this. I know I’m going to have a blast, and I hope you do, too. Let others know as well so that we can start this with a bang. I hope to have my first review completed MONDAY MORNING. oh my god THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING.

Thank you for supporting me all this time. Thank you to rickdakurb on Tumblr, whose Ask inspired me to buy this domain and set this all up. I hope the future of Mark Does Stuff brings joy and insight to many of you, and rockets me to superstardom so I can sell out and betray all of you in my mansion while I’m filthy rich. MUAHAHAHA THIS IS MY TRUE PLAN.

Seriously, though, y’all mean the world to me. Let’s do this.

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